Governor Brown thinks we’re liars. A May 26,2021, mask guidance article by Elisabeth Nieshalla described Governor Brown’s Oregon Health Authority’s new mask guidance as follows:

A woman with red tape over her face and glasses.

Businesses, employers, and churches may allow fully vaccinated persons to not wear masks in their establishments but, if they do that, the establishments must have a system in place to check the vaccination status of the persons, essentially a vaccine passport-type system.

If the businesses, employers, or churches do not set up a vaccination-check system, then they must require everyone to wear masks.

This insidious policy tells Oregonians that Governor Brown and her Oregon Health Authority believe that we’re liars and cannot be trusted to tell the truth. The policy also allows Governor Brown to maintain her mask mandate in perpetuity and cynically say that she does not have a mask mandate for vaccinated Oregonians.  After all, she can say businesses, employers, and churches can allow vaccinated Oregonians to go maskless in their establishments. They just have to spend thousands of dollars and delay customers and patrons as they enter their establishments. It also allows Governor Brown to continue the restrict the worship experience for Oregonians attending church services. Governor Brown’s Oregon Health Authority vaccine mask mandate is also an insidious back door to a vaccine passport system for Oregonians which would likely violate HIPPA laws and our privacy.

I received my first Pfizer vaccine March 13 after at least a four hour wait due to a morning computer failure at the vaccine site. I lost a beautiful Saturday afternoon to get that shot. l received my second vaccine on April 11.

About three weeks ago, I shopped at the Cornelius Oregon Walmart Supercenter without a mask. On June 2, I was forced to ware a mask at the same store. The manager told me that the Oregon Health Authority guidance had changed; and masks were required for all, including the completely vaccinated in contradiction to Center for Disease Control guidelines for the fully vaccinated. On June 3, I spent a couple of hours talking to Walmart customer service and on their website trying to lean whether the change in the Oregon Walmart store mask policy was due to Governor Brown’s Oregon Health Authority requirement for businesses, employers, or churches [to] set up a vaccination-check system. Since these Walmart resources would not comment on the reason they now require masks for all customers, I must assume that Governor Brown’s vaccine verification requirement is the reason I must wear a mask in Oregon Walmarts and all other businesses, employers, or church locations despite CDC guidelines.

Permit me to close by saying, Shame on you, Governor Brown. Your actions speak louder than your words. You think that I am a liar. You do not believe in the science of Covid-19 vaccines. You want to control Oregonians, restrict our economic recovery, and control our worship experiences in church.

One last question, Why would any more Oregonians get vaccinated when they will never be mask free?

Please, Governor Brown, let your vaccinated people go mask free!

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