A young boy in a winter coat and hat.President Biden Is no Ralphy. In the Christmas Movie Classic A CHRISTMAS STORY, Ralphy finally stood up to the bully ending the bully’s reign of terror. Ralphy finally dictated the terms of engagement to the bully on the playground, but Biden has not demonstrated his willingness to dictate the terms of engagement in Putin’s Russian invasion and war against Ukraine.

Biden is afraid of Putin and will not provide all weapons systems necessary for the Ukrainians to effectively defend Ukraine against the Russians, specifically Mig-29 fighter jets offered by Poland, Patriot anti-missile weapon system, and sophisticated anti-aircraft missile systems fully capable of downing Russian fighter jets. Ukrainian fighters are holding their own in the ground war, but Russian air power and missile systems are causing extensive civilian casualties and infrastructure destruction. Biden will not release the full force of the United States petroleum industry to dictate the oil supply by flooding the market and making US petroleum products available to replace or drastically reduce European dependance of Russian petroleum products, thus crippling the Russian oil industry and economy. The Biden Administration has followed the leaders of Europe regarding economic sanctions. The Administration should be clear in establishing strong secondary sanctions against all nations, including China and Iran, that support Russia and its war. Currently, the Administration’s foreign policy, Ukrainian war policy, and energy policy all show that Biden is no Ralphy.

Ralphy finally grew a pair. The question is, will Joe? If not, We the People will know that Buden is no Ralphy.

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