A man and woman with two children on the bed.
The Deplorable Class includes Roman Catholics and Protestants who hold traditional values. We are white, African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and other minorities.

The groups potentially falling into the left’s Deplorable Class may surprise some in the United States. Among the Christians, who hold the Biblical view of marriage and the family as husband and wife and their children, are tens of millions of African-American and Hispanic Biblical Christians. Additionally, tens of millions of Roman Catholics in the United States, many of whom are Hispanics, also believe that the Bible teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman. According to the left, this view of marriage is homophobic. The Christian homophobes who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman are in the “Deplorable class.” As a consequence, the left’s Deplorable Class includes Roman Catholics and Protestants. We are white, African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and other minorities. This group also opposes abortion and understand the gender is genetic not aspiration.

Xenophobes are another group in the left’s “Deplorable Class” They are deplorable simply because they want secure borders, an end to illegal immigration, assurance that everyone employed in the United States is legal, assurance that visas are not abused, and an immigration plan that is not harmful to our citizens. Islamophobs are also in the left’s Deplorable Class because they want the government to insure, by a process that requires verified documentation, that Islamic terrorists, from any group, are unable to infiltrate immigrant or refugee populations and attack the United States homeland. People who hold the Biblical view that life begins at conception and oppose abortion are part of the war on women and sexists. These United States citizens are also part of the left’s Deplorable Class. Obviously, Biblical Christians hold many views deemed deplorable by the left.

In the “Deplorable Class,” we believe that we should  protect our nation against invaders who use our porous boarders and weak immigration laws to gain illegal access to the nation. Most seek a better life, but some are criminals or want to subvert our culture both peacefully or as violent terrorists. We also understand the the United States is an essential force for good in the world. This requires a strong military and diplomatic corp that promotes world peace through our strength.

In the eyes of Christophobes like Hillary Clinton, liberals, and progressives on the Left; if you hold any of the views above, you are part of their Basket of Deplorables. You are among the tens of millions of United States citizens who are part of the left’s despised Deplorable Class.

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A woman in red speaks at a podium.
To Hilary and progressives, Biblical Christians, among others, fill their basket of deplorables.

Hillary Clinton’s recent statement that “half of the Trump supporters are in a ‘basket of deplorables,’ [“deplorable basket] who are unredeemable and un-American,”   revealed the true disdain that she, liberals, and progressives, have for Biblical Christians, evangelicals, and other conservatives. The room full of liberals, and progressives, who donated around $6 million to the Clinton campaign, laughed in raucous agreement with Clinton. When Clinton, progressives, and a large portion of the left put 20% to 30% of the people in the United States into a “deplorable basket,”  they have created a de facto deplorable class. At least 20,000,000 to 40,000,000 Bible believing Christians and Evangelicals are, therefore, among those that progressives view as deplorable; and therefore, members of their Deplorable Class.

Biblical Christians, those in the “deplorable basket,” believe that people are spiritually drawn to God by faith and His grace into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, do His will, follow His way, and understand that the Bible is inspired and guarded by God. Consequently, Biblical Christians believe that the Bible defines marriage as a relationship between one man and one woman; and, therefore, that any sexual relationship outside the bonds of marriage between a man and woman is Biblically immoral. Additionally, the Biblical family is composed of a father a mother and their children. According to God’s plan, the Biblical, Christian family is one of two Holy institutions. The Biblical Christian Church is the second Holy institution ordained by God. In this family, children are taught to love, respect, and obey God. They are taught individual responsibility for their actions and their relationship with God and other people. In this family, children are taught the importance of sharing the need for a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Children are also taught that it is their responsibility to support themselves, their family, and those in their community in need of help and assistance. The father and mother in this family model Biblical Christian living and values for their children. Same-sex families do not fit the Biblical understanding of family. To the left, Hillary Clinton and her liberal progressive friends, the Biblical family is a homophobic institution. This means that to Hilary Clinton, the Democrat Party, progressives, and the left, we, and many other groups, fit in their deplorable basket.

Consequently, Hillary Clinton and the left resist the idea that Biblical families can have positive influence on our nation and society. As a result, they have an irrational fear of Biblical Christians and our values, evangelicals, and the Biblical family. The left is Christophobic. This is especially true for liberals and progressives.

According to Hillary Clinton and her wealthy liberal progressive donors on the left, Biblical Christians and Evangelicals fill the deplorable basket. To progressives, we compose the DEPLORABLE CLASS that they disdain.

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