Judicial blinders and myopathy characterize the thinking of jurists from our lowest courts to the Supreme Court of the United States. Judges at every level, legal scholars, and legal pundits dissect and compartmentalize local, state, and national laws and the Constitution of the United States and its Amendments. This thinking elevates parts of sentences, clauses and phrases, paragraphs, Sections, Articles, and Amendments over other parts of these documents. In my opinion, these judicial blinders and myopathy have tainted juris prudence in the United States almost form the time the Constitution was ratified by “We the People,” not judges. The result has been almost continuous social and political turmoil. This thinking has also led to the idea that the decisions of judges regarding the meaning of state and national constitutions carry more weight and importance than the actual words of these constitutions. In other words, the opinions of judges, concerning the legal meaning state and national constitutions, are more important than the actual words of the state and national constitutions resulting in the concept of judicial “precedent.” Opinions of judges supersede the actual words of our constitutions which were ratified by “We the People.” Is this a judicial oligarchy?

President Trump issued an Executive Order, EO, which could end “Birthright Citizenship” and U. S. House of Representatives Republicans have introduced a bill for the same purpose. The Federal Court in Washington State has blocked implementation of this EO. That decision is being appealed to a higher Court. The judicial opinions and debate among judicial scholars and pundits are focused on these five words in the first sentence of Amendment XIV, Section 1, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” Amendment XIV contains 433 words. The five words being debated comprise only 1.1% of the words in the Amendment. This dissection and compartmentalization of a phrase in Amendment XIV elevates the importance of these five words over the rest of Amendment XIV, including Section 5.

Although the intent of the words, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” was hotly debated during congressional discussion of Amendment XIV, Sen. Jacob Howard, Republican of Michigan, proposed the Citizenship Clause and stated on May 30, 1866:

“Mr. HOWARD: This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States.”

Amendment XIV was ratified in 1868.

The Supreme Court of the United States, SCOTUS, decided in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898) that everyone born in the United States is a citizen of the United States. This decision is the origin of the SCOTUS “precedent” for “Birthright Citizenship” contrary to the opinion of the Senator Howard who proposed the clause in Amendment XIV, Section 1. Key points of the SCOTUS majority decision in this landmark case are heighted below:

“The question presented by the record is whether a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China, becomes at the time of his birth a citizen of the United States by virtue of the first clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside . . . .

Its main purpose doubtless was, as has been often recognized by this court, to establish the citizenship of free negroes, which had been denied in the opinion delivered by Chief Justice Taney in Dred Scott v. Sandford . . . .

But citizenship by birth is established by the mere fact of birth under the circumstances defined in the Constitution. Every person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, becomes at once a citizen of the United States, and needs no naturalization.”

Today’s issues related to “Birthright Citizenship,” include “Birthright Tourism” and children born in the United States to “Illegal Aliens” who entered our nation illegally. Today’s issues are far different from the citizenship of former slaves, and the citizenship of the children born in the United States to Chinese parents, forbidden citizenship under the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, not working for the “Emperor of China,” and “permanently domiciled” in the United States. Judicial blinders and myopathy seem to hide the Constitutional solution to the present “Birthright Citizenship” dilemma, Amendment XIV, Section 5. “The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”

In accordance with Amendment XIV, Section 5, U.S. Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36) introduced the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2023 (H.R. 6612). “This legislation has 21 original cosponsors and will ensure America properly implements Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution – ending birth tourism.” After reintroduction of this legislation in 2025, Congressman Babin said,

“This legislation ensures that automatic citizenship is granted only to children born in the United States with at least one parent who meets one of the following criteria:

  1. A citizen or national of the United States
  2. A lawful permanent resident whose residence is in the United States; or
  3. A lawful immigrant performing active service in the United States Armed Forces…..”

America’s citizenship laws should reflect fairness and respect for the rule of law,” “This common-sense legislation corrects decades of misuse and closes the loophole that incentivizes illegal immigration and exploits U.S. citizenship through birth tourism. Citizenship is one of our nation’s most precious privileges. By introducing this legislation, we are taking an important step to restore integrity to our immigration system and prioritize the interests of American citizens.”

The question that “We the People” need to ask SCOTUS and the US Congress is simple. Are the five words, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” contained in Amendment XIV, Section 1 more important than the fifteen words, including “by appropriate legislation,” contained in Amendment XIV, Section 5. Hopefully, our national legislators and courts will rid themselves of their judicial blinders and myopathy and realize that this is a Constitutional solution to “Birthright Citizenship” in accordance with Amendment XIV, Section 5. Consequently, in my opinion, the Birthright Citizenship Act enactment does not require a Constitutional Amendment to become the law of the land solving the current “Birthright Citizenship” issues existing in the United States.

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Democrat crime syndicates prevail at the national, state, and local levels where the Democrat Party controls government. Discussion of and support for this statement requires the definition of crime, criminal, illegal, syndicate, and alien from the Merrium-Webster on-line dictionary. Crime is defined as “an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government; criminal activity; a grave offense… against morality; [or] something reprehensible, foolish, or disgraceful.” The adjective criminal is defined as “relating to, involving, or being a crime; relating to crime or to the prosecution of suspects in a crime; [or] guilty of crime.” As a noun criminal is defined as “one who has committed a crime; [or] a person who has been convicted of a crime.” As an adjective, Illegal is defined as “not according to or authorized by law.” The relevant meanings of syndicate are defined as “a group of persons or concerns who combine to carry out a particular transaction or project; [and] a loose association of racketeers in control of organized crime….” The relevant meaning of alien as an adjective is, “relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government;” and as a noun, “a foreign-born resident who has not been naturalized and is still a subject or citizen of a foreign country.” In my opinion, these five words aptly describe the actions of Democrat Party controlled national, state, and local governments.

In addition to defining several of the terms used in this discussion, a couple sections of U.S. Code regarding immigration will help clarify this discussion. U.S. Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter I, Section 1101, (a) (3) – Definitions; states, “The term ‘alien’ means any person not a citizen or national of the United States.” Section 1101 (a) (13) states, “The terms “admission” and “admitted” mean, with respect to an alien, the lawful entry of the alien into the United States after inspection and authorization by an immigration officer.” The term “illegal” does not appear as a term defined in this section of the U.S. Code. U.S. Code, Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, Section 1325, (a) – Improper entry by alien; states.

“IMPROPER TIME OR PLACE; AVOIDANCE OF EXAMINATION OR INSPECTION; MISREPRESENTATION AND CONCEALMENT OF FACTS. Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall… be fined… or imprisoned….”

For “We the People,” this statute fails to describe the real legal nature of the statute’s meaning concerning violations of the statue.

When an “improper” act exposes the violator to fines and or imprisonment, the violator has committed an illegal act not an “improper” act. Merrium-Webster’s on-line dictionary for the definition of “improper” requires at least two steps to get to a word that describes any relationship to an act subject to fines and imprisonment, an illegal act. The steps are “improper,” the link to “incorrect,” and the link to “wrong.” Wrong is defined in part as, “an injurious, unfair, or unjust act; action or conduct inflicting harm without due provocation or just cause; and a violation or invasion of the legal rights of another [in this case the United States].” In addition, the word illegal does not yet appear as a synonym for any of these words. In contrast, the Merrium-Webster on-line dictionary defines the noun “illegal” as “not according to or authorized by law; [and] a person who enters or lives in a country without the documentation required for legal entry.” It is obvious, in my opinion, that the statute should start with “ILLEGAL TIME OR PLACE…” not “IMPROPER TIME OR PLACE….” In this regard, the statue deliberately avoided the term “illegal” because the progressive authors of the statute did not want “improper” aliens to have their first act when entering the United States to be defined as an illegal act. However, entries into the United Stares described in this statue are illegal acts by any definition that “We the People” would use to describe any other act punishable by fines and or imprisonment. People who enter the United States in violation of this statute are “illegal aliens” where “We the People” are concerned.

Where border security and immigration are concerned, Democrat Party controlled national, state, and local governments act as Democrat crime syndicates, in my opinion. When sanctuary laws or rules are established by state and local governments and the national government recognizes the sanctuary status of these governments, all three levels of government combine to act as Democrat crime syndicates. They are “a group of persons or concerns who combine to carry out a particular transaction or project [illegal immigration]; [and] a loose association of racketeers [government entities] in control of [the] organized crime [of illegal immigration]….” The combination of sanctuary government entities and the “open border” policies of the current Democrat Presidential administration enhances the idea that Democrat crime syndicates control border policy and immigration in our nation.

This invasion of illegal aliens is part of a long-term population transformation designed to change the demographics of our nation and increase the political power and influence of the Democrat Party. The most recent data shows that foreign-born workers are getting most of the jobs while native-born American employment is declining. Unfortunately, the Bureau of Labor Statistics does not distinguish between legal and illegal foreign-born workers but admits their data likely includes illegal immigrants. The chart below shows that the number of foreign-born members of the work force has increased at a greater rate than native born workers under the Biden Administration. This is highly correlated to the acceleration in illegal immigration. Since the current administration allow illegal aliens to be counted in the census, illegals increase the population count which increases representation in the U.S. House of Representatives and Electors in the Electoral college during Presidential elections increasing Democrat Party power over time.

Immigrants are more likely to be in the workforce than native-born citizens.

Unfortunately, the open border and invasion of illegal aliens also allows for the potential of criminal, terrorist, a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) operatives to enter our nation. Bethany Blankley’s on-line article, “Illegal border crossers total over 10 million since Biden inauguration,” demonstrates the magnitude of illegal alien border crossings during the Biden administration as follows:

“The number of people illegally entering the country surged after Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas halted many preexisting border security policies, advanced sweeping parole and other policies to release the greatest number of illegal foreign nationals into the country, encouraged people from all over the world to use a phone app to enter the U.S., and facilitated U.S. entry application processes in foreign countries, among others.

Official U.S. Customs and Border Protection data includes 3,201,144 apprehensions in fiscal 2023; 2,766,582 in fiscal 2022; 1,956,519 in fiscal 2021; and 471,954 in the nine months Biden was in office in fiscal 2020. Combined, official apprehensions total 8,396,199.

They exclude gotaway data… obtained from a Border Patrol agent who provides it and other information on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation….

In fiscal 2021, there were at least 308,655 known, reported gotaways; in fiscal 2022, 606,150 were reported. According to preliminary data obtained by The Center Square, Border Patrol agents reported at least 769,174 gotaways at the southwest border alone….

However, even those are considered a best estimate because they exclude unknown and unreported gotaways…. Law enforcement officials have said they have no idea how many gotaways there are in the U.S., or who or where they are….

Since January 2021, total illegal border crossers apprehended nationwide were 8,396,198. Combined with at least 1,678,979 gotaways, the number increases to over 10 million (at least 10,075,177)….

Among them are 1,586 known, suspected terrorists (KSTs) who were apprehended in fiscal years 2020-2023….

They also apprehended the greatest number of criminal noncitizens in U.S. history, totaling nearly 50,000. This number excludes the tens of thousands of criminal noncitizens arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials and an unknown number arrested by local and state law enforcement officers.”

According to the above data, 0.6% of the illegal aliens apprehended by Border Patrol were known terrorists or criminals which means that at least 10,200 known “gotaways” were probably terrorists or criminals. However, the “gotaways” who got away did not want to be caught because they were probably terrorists or criminals. Thus, it is not unreasonable to conclude that most, not 0.6% but conservatively 50% or 850,000 of the “gotaways” were terrorists or criminals. Consequently, the Biden administration “[combined] to carry out a particular transaction or project [illegal immigration]… [with] a loose association of… organized [criminals]….” making this administration one of many Democrat crime syndicates operating in the United States today.

This activity indirectly supports and finances Mexican cartel activities in both the United States and Mexico. In Mexico, cartels control the flow of illegal aliens to our southern border, manufacture of illegal drugs including fentanyl, movement of these drugs throughout Mexico and the United States, human trafficking, prostitution, and other cartel activities in both nations. In addition, the illegal activities of Chinese Triad criminal organization’s human trafficking, prostitution, and illegal marijuana operation labor supplies and distribution of the illegal marijuana are facilitated by our open borders and failure to enforce immigration laws. During the Biden Administration, over 20,000 Chinese illegal aliens, mostly military aged men, have crossed our Southern border. These Chinese men were allowed to leave China with the approval, and probably support, of the CCP. Consequently, the collusion between Democrat Party led national, state, and local governments regarding the invasion of the United States by illegal aliens, including Mexican cartel, Central and South American gangs, Chinese Triad gang members, illegal drug and marijuana manufacture and sales, and human trafficking fits the definition of Democrat crime syndicates.

Where the Democrat Party controls state and local governments, prosecutors, and the judiciary, Democrat crime syndicates are generally the rule. In states or localities, like California, that allow ballot initiatives to institute changes to the law both the government and the voters collude to form Democrat crime syndicates. In these jurisdictions, governors, legislatures, mayors, county and city commissions, etc., reduce many “non-violent” felonies to misdemeanors, reduce or eliminate bail requirements for many crimes, including some violent assaults, drastically increase the value of theft crimes qualifying as felonies, and eliminate mandatory minimum sentencing and fines for many categories of crime.   In addition, many Democrat prosecutors refuse to prosecute cases allowing perpetrators to go free and uncharged. Actions of this nature result in crime statistics that show reductions in criminal activity.

“We the People” generally consider “squatters” as criminals. Unfortunately, most Democrat Party controlled jurisdictions consider “squatters” as violators of civil rather than criminal law. Consequently, “squatters” are categorized as renters not trespassers and given the same rights as actual tenants. Owners must pursue eviction in civil courts which can take months or years, and hundreds to thousands of dollars in legal fees, to remove the “squatters” from their property. Unfortunately, “squatters” often have no regard for the place where they “squat” causing hundreds even thousands of dollars in damage to the property. Often, “squatters” turn the property into illegal drug distribution centers, human trafficking distribution centers, or houses of prostitution. On the other hand, if the will of most of “We the People” in the United States was reflected in new landlord tenant laws, “squatters” would be treated as the criminal trespassers that they are, removed expeditiously as criminals, and fined or imprisoned appropriately. Therefore, such local and state governments controlled by the Democrat Party “[combine] to carry out a particular transaction or project [“squatter’s” rights]… [with] a loose association of… organized [criminal “squatters”]” making these jurisdictions Democrat crime syndicates.

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