Using this metaphor, radical Islamic terrorism is a cancer destroying the soul of Islam. For the world at large, radical Islamic terrorism is like Ebola, a virulent and aggressive virus seeking to destroy all humanity that fails to submit to its radical Islamist ideology. Islam must cure itself and fight the cancer within which will continue to turn the world against Islam. Islam must also find a way to end its sectarian civil war of at least 1300 years which has possibly killed more Muslims than all the wars with the non-Islamic world. In my opinion, Islam must prove to the world, by actions and deeds, that Islam is truly a religion of peace. The world is waiting for peace.

A person casting their vote into the ballot box.
Radical Islamic terrorism is a cancer destroying the soul of Islam. It must be eliminated.

As a cancer survivor, since my cancer threatened my life, my goal was to eradicate the cancer which was accomplished by radical surgery to remove the infected organ. No evidence is available to me proving that Islam is doing anything significant to remove the cancer, radical Islamic terrorism, within Islam. In so called moderate Islamic countries, madrasas still teach Jihad and the destruction of the United States, European countries, Israel,   and all other non-Islamic cultures of the world. These madrasas also teach that Infidels must convert to Islam or die. Some Islamic theocracies and dictatorships have the potential to be cancers within Islam. These Islamist states are cancers when they metastasize and sponsor and finance radical Islamic terror organizations which the rest of the world is fighting to eliminate. In this situation, both the rest of Islam and the world at large should work together to eliminate  this cancer within the world community. Since the cancer of radical Islamic terrorism originates within Islam, Islam should lead in controlling this caner within in humanity.

The virulent and aggressive Ebola form of radical Islamic terrorism has two heads. First, some madrasas in most non-Islamic countries like the United States and European countries teach this same radical Islamist ideology attacking non-Islamic cultures from within. The infected countries should use all legal means to identify madrasas and mosques teaching Islamist ideology. Individuals should be monitored to ensure that they are unable to plan or execute radical Islamic terrorism in the infected countries. Secondly, radical Islamic terrorism and Islamist ideology is spread over the internet. Individuals who have self-radicalized using the internet are difficult to detect. Again, countries like the United States should develop legal means to find, identify, and monitor these individuals and ensure that they are unable to execute acts of Islamic terrorism within their country. Additionally, infected countries should develop effective methods of countering Islamist ideology by demonstrating its detrimental effects on humanity using the internet other public information formats.

Many will say that radical Islamic terrorism and Islamist ideology are not representative of Islam. However, the Islamist ideology used to justify Islamic terrorism is based on passages found in the Koran and Haditha, both largely attributed to Muhammed. In my opinion, if Islam does not take the lead in the fight to eradicate the cancer Ebola hybrid, radical Islamic terrorism, that infects Islam and the world, then Islam is responsible for all radical Islamic terrorism. In that case, terrorism will become the face of Islam in the world.

Again, Islam must prove to the world, by actions and deeds, that Islam is truly a religion of peace. The world is waiting for peace.

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