Christians train your children; or the Godless, progressive, social Marxists, will train them for you. Our children are a precious gift from God. The Bible demonstrates that God has a plan for each individual before they are conceived. In Psalms 39:13-14 we read,

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Similarly, Jeremiah 1:4, states,

A baby is in a bowl with pink stuff around it.

“The word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I anointed you as a prophet to the nations.’”

Since God has a plan for every person before they were conceived, Biblical Christian parents have an obligation to raise and train their children in a manner that allows each child to discover “the way they should go.” Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Similarly, Ephesians 6:4 reminds Christians to “bring [our children] up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” In 1Kings 8:36b, Solomon prayed that God would teach the Israelites the “right way to live.” Titus 2:1-2 tells us that we must “teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.  Teach older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, sound in faith, in love, and in endurance.”

Christians train your children is a command from God not a suggestion. The following four Bible verses provide additional guidance to parents about God’s command to teach our children:

“These words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”  Deuteronomy 6:6-9

“Those who spare the rod [fail to discipline] hate their children, but those who love them are diligent to discipline them.” Proverbs 13:24

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 1 John 3:4

The critical question for Biblical Christians is this. Can we allow Godless, atheistic, progressive, social Marxists in our public schools and state universities to teach our Christian children and grandchildren moral precepts and values that contradict Biblical morality and precepts? In my opinion, God would say no, we must “train [our children] in the way [they] should go.” God provides this warning to Biblical Christian parents in James 3:1b “we who teach will be judged more strictly.” Teaching our children is something that Biblical Christians cannot delegate to non-Christians.

Unfortunately, today’s Biblical Christians are like the proverbial frog in a pan of water where the temperature is being gradually increased to a lethal boiling temperature. We are near lethality because we have been duped by progressive educators who told us they only have the best interest of the children in their hearts. In my opinion, one of the best means of learning about the century long progressive plan to undermine Biblical Christianity’s role in our nation’s global influence, success, and prosperity is Pete Hegseth’s 10-part Fox Nation series, “The Miseducation of America.” The series explains how the progressive strategy of undermining Biblical Christianity as the moral underpinning of our society began in earnest over 100 years ago during the Wilson Administration with subtle changes in curricula, the Gary Indiana progressive school system and curricula experiment, and the progressive origin of our “Pledge of Allegiance” designed to change our children’s allegiance from God to our nation and its flag. Originally, the pledge did not contain the phrase “under God” added by President Eisenhour during the height of the “cold War.” The series also explains the reason progressives try to force preschoolers and elementary students to conform to their Godless and immoral concepts of sexuality and gender identity. In the late 1800’s, prohibitionist’s nationwide third grade anti-alcohol curricula led to passage of Amendment XVIII prohibiting sale and distribution of alcohol. The power of early childhood education as a tool to change and manipulate social, moral, and ethical standards in the United States was demonstrated by the prohibition curricula against alcohol.

Biblical Christians, Baptists, Nazarenes, Assembly of God, Four Square, and Evangelicals in “cultural Christian” denominations are decades behind progressives in the field of education and their assault on the Judeo-Christian values that have served the United States very well since our founding. Progressives and the left have an “educational dictatorship” teaching curricula that is Marxist propaganda. These progressive educators teach Marxist critical race theory, Queer Theory, gender theory, and Marxism in virtually every academic discipline from Preschool to Ph.D., Marxist PP. Fortunately, we can take heart as we seek to regain and maintain our parental rights pertaining to teaching and raising our children. God tells us in Romans 8:31; “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” It is time to unite. Christians train your children.

First, most Biblical Christians and religious Jews do not consider politics as a part of our Great Commission mission. However, Jesus, the disciples, and Paul did not hesitate to confront the political leaders of their time, Sadducees, Pharisees, governors, and kings in their seats of power, synagogues, and palaces. In the United States, politicians are using their executive and legislative power to make many aspects of Biblical Christian life illegal. To ensure our religious freedom and parental rights, the Judeo-Christian community must become political. Data shows that the majority of the Judeo-Christian community is no more likely to be registered to vote and vote than the general population. The 2024 election could be an exception to this generality. If we were able to increase our national voter registration and election participation from 50% to 75%, we would add 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 votes, or more, in presidential elections. Such an increase would require voter registration and get out the vote campaigns where necessary. Similar increases in the Christian vote would also impact state and local elections, including school board elections changing the nature of public education one board member and school board at a time. In these situations, there would be no question regarding the winner of the popular vote in election after election. Conservative candidates supportive of Judeo-Christian values from the Presidency, US Congress, state, and local offices would also be elected. As in 2016, election of candidates supportive of our Judeo-Christian values could also impact the composition of the Supreme and inferior courts of the United States. In the current situation, replacement of one progressive Justice with another Scalia would create a 7-2 Constitutional originalist Supreme Court majority or maintain the current 6-3 majority that would last for decades. Christians train your children by participation in your school board elections voting for candidates supporting your Judeo-Christian values or becoming a school board candidate yourself.

Second, Biblical Christians and religious Jews need to become politicians especially at the state and local level especially as school board members. Many more members of the Judeo-Christian community need to become local participants at state legislative sessions and lobbyists meeting personally with state and national legislators, city and county leaders, and school board members. These activities are especially effective when constituents meet their leaders in groups since numbers have an impact. Groups of Judeo-Christians and a growing number of Muslims are joining together to share resources and numbers impacting School boards and other elections. Two of these groups are Moms for Liberty and the ParentalRights Foundation. Progressives are training our children now; but God’s admonition to us is, Christians train your children. It is time to get started.

When Judeo-Christians and Biblical Christians become political, we cannot neglect our primary mission found in Mathew 28;19-20:

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

It is encouraging to know the following:

“If a child is the first person in a household to become a Christian, there is a 3.5% probability everyone else in the household will follow. If the mother is the first to become a Christian, there is a 17% probability everyone else in the household will follow. But if the father is first, there is a 93% probability everyone else in the household will follow.”

The challenges are great; but each Biblical Christian understands that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13).

Remember, Christians train your children is God’s command not a suggestion.

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A man with his hands crossed in front of him.Progressives prefer murder’s oil over America’s oil. More specifically, the left, communists, socialists, progressives, liberals, and Democrats prefer murder’s oil over oil drilled and refined in the United States. This is based on the actions, not the rhetoric, of the left including progressives. Since oil is financing much of Putin’s Russian war against Ukraine, the west, especially the United States, needs to cut off all sales of Russian and their allies oil on world markets. This must include removal of Russian and their allies oil transactions from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) system. The Biden Administration is sending representatives or third-party negotiators, like Russia, to try to negotiate increased oil production for export to the United States from murderous dictators in counties like Iran, Saudi Aribia, and Venezuela. The Administration, including the President, is also unsuccessfully requesting increased oil exports from other Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) like the United Arab Emirates. These actions show that the Biden Administration and progressives prefer murder’s oil over America’s oil.

The Biden administration and progressives think the We the People of the United States are to stupid to understand that all greenhouse gases are the same regardless of the source of the carbon during their transition to renewable energy. Progressives also believe that energy inflation is an acceptable tool to reduce carbon energy use in the United States. Perhaps the Biden Administration and progressives are the stupid ones. They believe that it is economically sound to pay other countries, many controlled by murderous dictators, for oil. This strategy also ships good paying oil jobs to foreign countries robing We the People of these good paying jobs. Our enemies, both military and economic, use energy as a weapon. Progressives and the Biden Administration fail to understand that the United States, with the largest energy reserves in the world, especially our petroleum reserves, should use energy as a weapon to crippler or destroy the economies of our enemies, especially Russia which invaded Ukraine without provocation and is committing unprecedented war crimes against the Ukrainian people.

Unfortunately, for the United States and the world, the Biden Administration, from the President to Cabinet Secretaries and regulators in the Environmental Protection Agency, The Federal Reserve System, banking, treasury, commerce, energy, and transportation at virtually every level have stated their intent to eliminate carbon-based energy produced in the United States, especially petroleum, as quickly as possible. Â This policy eliminates the possibility of using our petroleum as a weapon against tyrants like Putin and his nation Russia. The policy also guarantees continued gas price inflation into the future, at least 2024, unless Republicans win veto proof House and Senate majorities in the 2022 elections. The energy policy of the Biden Administration demonstrates that Biden and progressives prefer murder’s oil over America’s oil.

Hopefully, Putin’s Russian invasion, war, and war crimes against Ukraine and its people will show the freedom loving, independent, democratic people of the world that that murderous dictators like Putin cannot be tolerated any longer. The free world should unite to destroy the economies of dictatorships, like Putin’s, before they have the economic power to wage wars like Putin’s Russian war against Ukraine. To accomplish this goal, the free democratic countries of the world must be unified economically by enacting true free trade agreements which excludes the dictatorships of the world.

The Biden Administration’s energy and foreign policies plans are totally inept, short sighted, and strategically lacking. The potential wars of the future are not being considered by this administration, progressives, and globalists. The Biden Administration does not understand that China and Russia are uniting to wage the current and upcoming economic energy wars. When the Biden Administration acted to immediately curtail carbon-based energy production, primarily petroleum, in the United States, Russia, the world’s third largest petroleum producer, could finance its invasion and war against Ukraine with oil revenue from the United States and the rest of the world. This was because we reduced Unites States oil production and became an importer rather than an exporter of oil. Our reduction in production reduced global supply and increased the global market price for oil increasing Russian oil profits. More actions demonstrating that progressives prefer murder’s oil over America’s oil.

In addition, the Biden Administration lacks foreign, environmental, and energy policies that ensure the long-term ability to secure the rare earth minerals and capacity to produce the Lithium-ion batteries needed to power the electric vehicles that they are forcing on We the People in the United States. However, Tesla does manufacture its lithium-ion batteries in their Panasonic plant in California. The minerals needed to produce lithium-ion batteries are lithium, graphite, nickel, cobalt, manganese, copper, and aluminum (bauxite). According to United States Geological Survey information summarized in the article, Where do batteries come  from? And where do they go?, the natural reserves of these minerals in the United States do not rank among the top five countries of the world. In contrast, China is among the top three producers of lithium, graphite, copper, and aluminum (bauxite), and the United States is not listed as a top producers of these minerals in the world. Additionally, according to the 2020 United Nations publication using 2018 data, COMMODITIES AT A GLANCE Special issue on strategic battery raw materials, Commodities at a Glance: Special issue on strategic battery raw materials (, China controls trade of critical duratives of the world lithium, cobalt and manganese supplies by aggressive import of raw materials and refined exports and produces most of the world’s graphite. The 2019 article, How Electric Car Batteries Are Made: From Mining To Driving states that mining lithium and cobalt causes harmful environmental pollution, and cobalt mines in the Congo use child labor with extremely low wages and deplorable conditions. The Biden Administration foreign, environmental, and energy policies do not provide a long term strategy to secure supplies of the essential minerals needed to produce lithium-ion batteries in the United States. This failure will make our electronic vehicle industry supply chain issues controlled by military and economic enemies, especially China. Just as progressives prefer murder’s oil over America’s oil, progressives prefer enemy murder’s lithium-ion battery mineral supplies over America’s and our ally friend’s lithium-ion mineral supplies.

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A group of soldiers running through the dirt.Progressives prefer blood over oil. More specifically, the left, communists, socialists, progressives, liberals, and Democrats prefer blood over oil. This is based on the actions, not the rhetoric, of the left including progressives. Since oil is financing much of Putin’s Russian war against Ukraine, the west, especially the United States, needs to cut off all sales of Russian and their allies’ oil on world markets. This must include removal of Russian and their allies’ oil transactions from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) system. This step would eliminate most of Russia’s oil exports as a source of financing Putin’s Russian war against Ukraine. It would also further strangle the Russian economy. This would require the Biden Administration to reverse its restrictive oil policies and return the United States to an oil exporter, not an oil importer. This action could eliminate oil imports from Russia and its allies to the United States and our allies, especially Europe. Failure to take this step will prove that progressives prefer blood over oil; and the Biden Administration, by its inaction, prefers Ukrainian blood over oil.

Progressives claim that the United States must transition from carbon energy, oil and coal, to renewable energy to save the planet at all costs, including the blood of Ukrainians. Progressives want the United States to reduce our carbon use unilaterally when they will not require the largest carbon users in the world, Russia, China, and India, to reduce their use as a precondition to reductions by the United States. Without global cooperation, the claimed reduction in greenhouse gases contributed by the United States will have an insignificant affect in reducing greenhouse gases without reductions by the world’s worst polluters. Progressives fail to understand that the United States and the world will use the same amount of carbon energy including oil during their transition regardless of the source of the oil. Progressives also believe that energy inflation is an acceptable tool to reduce carbon energy use in the United States. This is another variant of the idea that progressives prefer blood over oil because they prefer the suffering of the poor and middle class over oil. For the poor and middle class, energy inflation causses them to choose between energy and food, medicine, or other necessities. Energy inflation is like a regressive tax that adversely affects those who can least afford the added costs.

With this in mind, why should the United States pay other countries, many our enemies, for our energy when we can produce it ourselves? Imported oil also includes the added cost of tanker and other high cost means of transport of oil further raising the price of gasoline at the pump. Therefore, the United States must become energy independent, and help eliminate the need for the United States and our allies to import Russian and its allies’ oil. If the Biden Administration does not change its policies to eliminate Russian oil imports and return the United States to an energy exporter and help Europe to become far less dependent on Russian energy, then we will know that progressives prefer blood over oil by their actions.

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Contrary to popular conservative thought, in the United States, our progressive domestic policy is a practical reality. Marxism, the philosophical basis for progressive ideology, is a social theory asserting that all property and wealth will be held in common, and as Marx stated it, from each according to his capacity, to each according to his need, wealth will be distributed equally among all people. The editors of A DICTIONARY OF MARXIST THOUGHT, 1983, asserted that Marxism is not dead; but, Marxism is a body of rational norms that have been largely assimilated into modern social sciences and incorporated into a great deal of our domestic and foreign policy practices.

Pragmatic efforts to hasten evolution toward the global society envisioned by Marxists began in the latter half of the nineteenth century. Following publication of The Communist Manifesto and Origin of Species, the concepts of atheism, and both societal and biological evolution became more widely embraced by academicians in the United States and the world. Liberal and progressive scholars began to dominate the social science faculties of most universities in the United States. This was particularly true in mass communication disciplines such as journalism, liberal arts and social sciences including psychology, psychiatry, sociology, philosophy, performing and visual arts, economics, and law.

By 1870, Harvard University and the Harvard Law School fully embraced these concepts. Contrary to earlier teaching, references to God and Scripture, as well as Constitutional Original Intent were eliminated from legal education and the practice of law. The concept of case law to develop new doctrines and principles incrementally over time was also introduced at Harvard. The rest of the nation’s universities followed suit. John Chipman Gray, summarized the concept by stating,

The law is a living thing with a continuous history, sloughing off the old, taking on the new.

In the 150 years since this concept was introduced, the Federal and State Courts have been used to alter the Original Intent of the Constitution, set legal precedents, and overrule the will of We the People, and the legislative process. In many instances, liberals and progressives have used both Federal and State Courts to accomplish their progressive social objectives when We the People do not support their proposals. The United States Supreme Court decision, in favor of same sex-marriage opposed by We the People in numerous state referenda, is a prime example. In my opinion, many Federal Court decisions have been aided by incorrect application of the Supreme Court Marbury v. Madison decision. Court decisions of this type make progressive domestic policy the law of the land. In my view, such decisions are inconsistent with judicial good behavior.

A statue of karl marx in front of trees.
Much of our progressive domestic policy is already Marxist.

In the United States, liberals and progressives in the Democrat Party and moderate or liberal Republicans have introduced and passed legislation, and developed progressive domestic policy positions and programs that individually and collectively quicken the pace at which wealth is spread among all people in our country and eventually the world. The goal is that each state, including the United States of America, eventually withers away. Wars, depressions, recessions, and periods of substantial economic growth cause ebbs and flows in progress toward the world they envision.

The section, of The Communist Manifesto titled Proletarians and Communists, provides strategic details for incremental progressive domestic policy initiatives that gradually eliminate capitalism  and private property. Marx wrote,

These measures will of course be different in different countries.

Nevertheless, in the most advanced countries (like the United States) the following will be pretty generally applicable:

  1. “Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.”
    (All added parenthetical remarks in this section describe existing progressive domestic policy . Federal regulations, especially environmental regulations, limit uses of private lands regarding mineral and petroleum extraction, forestry, range and grazing management, agricultural practices crop choices and subsidies, and watershed management. Local and state zoning ordinances limit the uses made on private property. Each of these limitations restricts the way private property can be used, increases production costs, and in land uses related to energy, mineral extraction, and agriculture increases fixed living costs for citizens. For some industries, regulation ads costs sufficient to degrade their competitiveness in the global market. When these costs are combined with high US labor costs and taxes, some industries moved offshore to survive. Each of these factors is an incremental step toward abolition of property and use of property for public purposes.)
  2. “A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.”
    (In the United States the concept of progressive taxation is now ingrained in our political and economic discourse.)
  3. “Abolition of all right of inheritance.”
    (In the United States, gradually increasing death or inheritance taxes are incrementally moving toward abolition of the right of inheritance. The progressive purpose of these taxes is to instill the idea that abolition of all right of inheritance is one of the ways for the rich to pay their fair share in the progressive plan to redistribute wealth from each according to his capacity, to each according to his need.)
  4. “Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.”
  5. “Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.”(The United States Federal Reserve Bank controls interest rates, the amount of currency in circulation, and federal laws place strict controls on the banking and securities industries. However, the government does not control the flow of capital with an exclusive government monopoly.)
  6. “Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.”(Many large metropolitan areas in the United States have government owned mass transit train and bus systems. Many politicians are proposing high-speed train systems funded and operated by either state or federal governments.)
  7. “Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of wasteland, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.”(Although Federal regulations, especially environmental regulations, do not constitute state ownership of factories and instruments of production they do constitute state control of factories and instruments of production. Air and water pollution regulations often limit the type and/or size of industrial plants built on private property and emission levels for carbon fuel engines. These regulations ensure clean air and water. The issue is that technology allows pollutant detection at increasingly lower contamination levels, and thus, more stringent regulations are mandated, even when the requirements are below safe limits. The result is increased costs that can make the industry products too expensive to be economical. Local and state zoning ordinances limit the uses of factories and instruments of production on private property. For some industries, regulation ads costs sufficient to degrade their competiveness in the global market. When these costs are combined with high US labor costs and taxes, some industries must move offshore to survive. Each of these factors is an incremental step toward abolition of property and use of property for public purposes.)
  8. “Equal liability of all labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.”(Local, state, and federal minimum wage laws and  proposals supporting mandated profit sharing incrementally promote the idea of equal liability of all labour. During the formative years of the labor movement, communists and socialists played major roles organizing workers, gaining recognition and legal status for unions, and securing higher wages and better benefits for union membership. Unions have made great strides toward Equal liability of all labour. The high cost of labor in the United States caused many of our industries to move overseas or fail because they were unable to compete in the global market against competitors with lower labor costs. In the United States, unions have strong support from the political left.)
  9. “Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.”
  10. “Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.” (In the United States, progressives have established an educational dictatorship. Socialists and progressives in the Democrat Party are proposing free or highly subsidized secondary education for all or at least families below a threshold income level. This is an expansion of government-sponsored loan programs and progressive style wealth redistribution. Abolition of children’s factory labor was a goal that should have been supported by all. Children’s factory labor was abhorrent and a blot on capitalism. The fact that Marx added the qualifier, in its present form, is a blot on Marxist philosophy. ).

Free education for all children has been promoted in our country since colonial days. Sound agricultural and renewable natural resource practices have been promoted for at least 150 years.  Both are essential for a flourishing, capitalistic, constitutional republic like the United States of America.

The left, regardless of the terms used to describe their ideology, Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, liberal, moderate Democrat or liberal Republican, follows a specific societal plan to incrementally or evolutionarily change and the world into the global economy envisioned by Marx. The left thinks and plans in evolutionary terms and is secure with an evolutionary pace, at least 170 years, in their journey toward a society  where from each according to his capacity, to each according to his need, wealth is distributed among all the people. Once progressive domestic policy normalizes wealth redistribution in most countries, the left will turn to their final goal for foreign policy. The left, Marxists, will turn to formulating policies that cause states or countries, including United States of America, to “wither away.”