A dog sitting on top of a mountain looking at the valley.
Viral speculation, red wolf colludes with villagers to attack goats; or Trump campaign colludes with Russian red wolf to attack Clinton.

Presenting viral speculation as news is disruptive and a disservice to the public when presented in an authoritative manor by people who reportedly know what they are talking about, experts and pundits. Viral speculation about Russian involvement in the 2016 election has been a constant narrative in the news for months. The only fact presented thus far is that the Russians attempted to influence the election. The speculation beyond that fact is innuendo about Trump campaign collusion with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton. The collusion speculation is fake news. To this point in the speculation onslaught, no facts that substantiate the allegations exist. Russia speculation is only one area where speculation is treated as news. Hours of speculation by pundits masquerades as facts and fans rabid political partisanship on cable news networks and social media. This viral speculation then drives hyper partisanship in Washington, DC. Unfortunately, the viral speculation drives ratings and profit which appears to be the primary factor driving this type programming.

In my opinion, the primary function of the viral speculation news cycle is to fan hyper partisanship, promote political gridlock in Washington, DC, and promote ratings and profits. Virtually every news outlet regardless of their political orientation or size uses the speculation to promote more speculation, rebuttal by speculation, and speculation about which speculation will eventually become fact at the end of the day. Journalists rush to the guilty politician for their reaction to the latest innuendo and their speculation about the speculator. This news cycle regarding the Russian connection has lasted too long and served only to limit the news about other significant news where the facts have been established, meaningful discussion about bills that are law, and the impact of verified events occurring in the nation’s capital, other parts of the nation, and the world. Again, viral speculation as news is disruptive and a disservice to honestly informing We the People about real news and important facts.

It is time to end the viral speculation news cycle and start reporting the factual events occurring throughout the capital, the nation, and the world. There are adequate real news stories that need to be reported. Congressional committees are completing their work; Cabinet Secretary Hearings are ongoing and executive branch appointments are being approved; Cabinet initiatives are being formulated; the Middle East is on fire, and real progress is occurring regarding North Korea; and other events that impact the future of the world are occurring daily. There is more than enough real verified news to replace the viral speculation that is passed off as news in today’s news cycle. Reporting on factual events just does not bleed mentally and emotionally, create controversy, political vitriol, or hyper partisanship. Fact based reporting does not promote ratings or profits. It appears that getting the who, what, where, how, and why verified by multiple sources just is not as fun and profitable as spreading innuendo and speculation.

Is it time to report real news rather than viral speculation?


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A large fire and smoke cloud is coming from the top of the twin towers.
News narratives stimulate fake news; and opinion reported as fact is fake news.

News narratives stimulate fake news. The fact that news agencies formulate a narrative designed to guide public opinion, including political news, is general knowledge. Accordingly, news stories are selected or rejected to promote or reinforce the “narrative. Conversely, stories that do not support the “narrative are eliminated or buried in the back of the publication, or buried at the end of a report behind other irrelevant information.

The issue is not new. The narrative of the news media concerning the Viet Nam War was changed after the North Viet Nam Army and Viet Con Communist forces launched the Tet Offensive.

In February 1968,  in the wake of the Tet Offensive, the respected TV journalist Walter Cronkite, who had been a moderate and balanced observer of the war’s progress, announced that it seemed ‘more certain than ever that the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate.'”

Walter Cronkite down played the fact that the Tet Offensive was repelled by United States and South Vietnamese forces suffering one tenth the casualties of the attackers. Although South Vietnamese forces proved quite capable during the counter offensive and communist forces were severely weakened, the Tet Offensive was characterized as a defeat. To me, this misrepresentation of facts constituted fake news. The news changed the perception of the war and drastically increased anti-war sentiment in the United States. Decades later North Vietnamese generals admitted that they were defeated but understood that they only had to delay long enough for the anti-war sentiment in the United States to end the war politically giving them victory.

In my opinion, Walter Cronkite should have ended his nightly news program saying, That’s the way we choose to portray it month, day, year, instead of saying, That’s the way it was month, day, year. The same is true for most news today.

Fake news has been in the news lately as well. Once a news narrative is posited, fake news is often started on Internet social media sites like Facebook,  Twitter, or other Internet News outlets. Unfortunately, traditional standards of Journalism such as source vetting and multiple source conformation, do not apply at many of these sources. Some of these Fake News stories originate with unfriendly foreign governments, like Russia or North Korea, intent on manipulating public opinion in our political process, foreign affairs, socio-economic system, and culture. Fake News has been treated as legitimate news by traditional print and mainstream broadcast news agencies without proper vetting when the fraud fits the Narrative.

Legitimate pols can become fake news, or least a misrepresentation of public opinion, when specific responses fitting the narrative are emphasized because the answers fit the narrative. Pols can also be manipulated by the order and nature of the questions leading respondents to the desired headline opinion that fits the narrative of the news agency involved. In this situation, the headline and first section of the story, or news, reinforces the narrative. Opinions that mitigate or modify the narrative are buried later in the story or left out hoping the public does not go to the complete pols for a more realistic view of the opinions of the entire pol creating  fake news through omission.

The 24/7 “news” cycle that evolved with cable television introduced an abundance of editorial style expert analysis, opinion programs, and opinion segments as part of hard news programs. Internet news outlets are also heavily involved in editorial and opinion writing. Some influential bloggers also get involved in news dissemination, analysis, and opinion. These outlets often blur the distinction between news, editorials, and opinion. When the editorial opinion writing and punditry matches the narrative, opinion and expert analysis often turns into headlines and lead stories. This is especially true when the editorials and opinions concern the outcome of elections, the future of the economy, a corporation, how healthcare will change, or what the tax plan will contain, etc. This news is often just hours and pages of viral speculation. In many situations the punditry from one outlet is subsequently debated on another outlet. When opinion is reported as fact, the result is, in reality, fake news.

In my opinion, the majority of news outlets in the United States and the world are dominated by progressives and disseminate news based on the progressive narrative. This narrative opposes Biblical Christianity, the Biblical traditional family, reduction or elimination of  influence of Christianity on our culture, personal responsibility and morality, and favors progressive culture, economic principles, and centralized government over Biblical Christianity, capitalistic economic concepts, and limited government.

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