Christians unite. President Trump is committed to religious freedom and the sanctity of life. Consequently, Christians should unite and counter progressives and secularism. To Make America Great Again Biblical Christianity must unite and Take America Back to a culture based on our Judeo-Christian heritage and founding roots. See the source imageIn order to Take America Back, Christians, who believe that the Bible is God’s Word and an infallible guide to human interactions, must work together regardless of denominational allegiances and dogma. Biblical Christians should also understand that the religious freedom of both Protestants and Catholics is under assault; and when Christians unite and work together, God will be glorified. We should also understand that our Jewish friends, the root on which we are grafted (Romans 11:13-21) through the House and Lineage of David, also face assaults on their religious freedom. In my opinion, our national greatness is as grass that withers and dies without God as the true source of the strength of our nation. The words of an old hymn, “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” seem appropriate for a call for Judeo-Christian action.

Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before! Christ, the royal master, Leads against the foe; Forward into battle, See his banners go!

Like a mighty army Moves the Church of God; Brothers, we are treading Where the saints of trod; We are not divided; All one body we, One in hope and doctrine, One in charity.

Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before!

Christians unite. It is time to “Make America Great Again!”

Unfortunately, Biblical Christianity is decades, actually at least two centuries behind, in the battle to Take America Back. To March¦. against the foe of the progressive agenda, we must understand the progressive agenda. All of the links in this post provide some of the necessary insight. More insight is available at In addition to their assault on Biblical Christianity, progressives already control educational curricula from preschool to PhD, domestic and foreign policy, and have been preparing our citizens for an eventual global government or at least global wealth redistribution. Before discussing strategy for the battle to Take America Back, an explanation of the critical components of the battle is needed.

From the Judeo-Christian standpoint, the battle to Take America Back is relatively simple. From a political perspective, the battle takes place on the left, right political continuum. In my opinion, the left side of this continuum is based on the essentially atheistic philosophy of Karl Marx. The difference, between the named components of the left, is merely the speed at which they seek to move society and governance to the system envisioned by Marx. The philosophy of the political right is based on constitutional capitalism, Judeo-Christian morality and ethics, individual incentive and responsibility, and freedom, including the free exercise of religion.

From the spiritual, Judeo-Christian perspective, our battle is being fought on two fronts. The first front, which is beyond our understanding, is a battle taking place in the heavenly realms between God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and Satan and the forces of evil. This battle began when Lucifer, Satan, rebelled and tried to exalt himself to a position above God. In defeat, Satan was cast from the heavenly realms to earth where he now seeks to separate humanity from the love of God. The battle to Take America Back is political, cultural, and spiritual, the human component of the spiritual battle to Take America Back and share Christ with the world.

The goal of the social left is to eliminate all Judeo-Christian influences on every aspect of human behavior and interaction within each society. The nature, role, position, and responsibility of the individual is at the heart of the battle to Take America Back. On the primarily atheistic left, the individual should be free from the moral and ethical bonds of all religion. The only limits on human interactions, under this concept of individuality, are what the culture and society deems acceptable at any given time. Consequently, human interactions have few limits under this concept of individuality. Progressive judges believe that the United States and State Constitutions should also reflect current cultural mores and make judgments regarding the constitutionality of law in accordance with this belief regardless of the actual meaning of the text of the Constitutions or laws.

One of the strongest impacts of this concept of individuality relates to human sexuality. From this perspective, there should be no limits on sexual behavior in relation to gender, marital status, the age of the participants, or the species involved in sexual encounters. Given modern technology and current mores of behavior, individuals can even choose to be, or display, a different gender identity from their genetic gender reality. If there are no limits on human sexuality, then the logical conclusion is that there are no limits on the definition of marriage. Consequently, the social left has redefined marriage to include same-sex marriage. It is not unreasonable to presume that polygamous marriage and marriage involving minors will soon be acceptable as well. Other casualties, in the realm of human interactions resulting from this amoral attitude, include respect for the sanctity of human life at all stages, personal responsibility and accountability, truth, respect for the property of others, respect for the rights, freedom, and values of others, and respectful political and cultural discourse. Under this concept of the individual, each person is free to do almost anything they please; and everyone that an individual interacts with must comply with and support their expressions of individuality.

In contrast, the role and status of individuals from a political and economic standpoint in relation to the society or the collective stands and stark contrast to the freedom of individual behavior demanded by those on the left. Politically and economically, for the socialist system envisioned by progressives, to function properly, the individual must submit to the political and economic good of the society. A simplistic summary of the political and economic philosophy underpinning the left is that all people share equally in all the benefits of society regardless of their willingness or ability to contribute to the good of society. Marx summarized it stating, From each according to his ability to each according to his need, wealth will be distributed throughout the society. Therefore, according to progressive philosophy, the individual is behaviorally free but economically and politically worthless in comparison to the economic and political needs of society as a whole .

For Biblical Christians and all humanity, God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8 NIV). Unbelievably, each individual has infinite worth in the sight of God because of Christ’s sacrifice for us. We know that this sacrifice was for each individual when we read, For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16 NIV). Whoever is a singular pronoun. The fact that this verse says whoever rather than all y’all refers to each individual as the subject of God’s infinite love. Biblical Christians freely follow the moral and ethical codes for human behavior described in both the Old and New Testaments which are all-inclusive. Biblical Christians freely follow God’s word because we have eternal life through God’s love and sacrifice for us. Consequently, the behavioral freedom demanded by the atheistic left constitutes immoral and unethical behavior for Biblical Christians and Orthodox Jews; and participating in such behavior is also Biblically, morally, and ethically contrary to our beliefs. Abstaining from support of such behavior is consistent with religious freedom and our First Amendment right to the free exercise thereof (of religion). Finally, each Biblical Christian is personally responsible for their actions as an individual. We are responsible for our political, economic, moral, and ethical behavior. We are also individually responsible, according to our ability, to care for those in need around us regardless of the nature of their needs. This is a personal responsibility which should not be delegated to the state sense the actions of the state cannot be substituted for our individual responsibilities to act.

Although the economic and political status of the individual in relation to society as a whole is the basis for the disdain for Judeo-Christianity from the viewpoint of the left, the cultural and behavioral concept of individuality is the primary basis for progressive attacks on our Judeo-Christian heritage. These attacks center on the Judeo-Christian family consisting of one husband, one wife, and their children. The traditional family is the institution where Judeo-Christian morality and ethics are taught, personal responsibility and sound work ethics are taught, and the parents model these values for children. The concepts taught within the Judeo-Christian family are contradictory to the progressive message. Same-sex marriage is a powerful way of attacking and reducing the positive effect of the traditional family in relation to the concepts necessary for constitutional capitalism to succeed. Biblical Christian churches that support these values are subject to the same attacks by progressives. One phrase or word, characterizes the disdain of the left for our Judeo-Christian heritage, Judeo-Christophobia or simply Christophobia. Progressives used the courts in state after state to force same-sex marriage when the people of the states rejected it. Of course, acceptance of homosexuality was a necessary precursor to same-sex marriage. Progressives use terms related to bigotry, various forms of phobia, individual freedom, and civil rights analogies to foment their attacks against Judeo-Christian community regarding sexuality, same-sex marriage, and all Biblical morality. These terms are used to cast those of us who support Judeo-Christian values as evil. In reality, these attacks on the Biblical Christian family and church are attacks on the important role of the individual as a driving force for Constitutional capitalism, the system disdained by progressives and all Marxists.

The idea that each individual has infinite value in the sight of God in both Judaism and Christianity is incompatible with the progressive idea that the individual is worthless in comparison to the value of society as a whole. That is to say, the individual must economically and politically submit to the good of society for the philosophy of the left to be successful. These two concepts of individuality are diametrically opposed and incompatible. Consequently, for the philosophy of the left to work all vestiges Judeo-Christianity must be eliminated as influences on society. This is the true nature of the battle to Take America Back so we can Make America Great Again.

Armed with the above insights, Christians unite to counter progressives and secularism. There are a number of steps that we can take as we march against the foe, the progressive agenda, in the battle to Take America Back. At a minimum, every church and synagogue should work actively to register every member of their congregation that is not registered to vote and encourage every member to vote in every election. Data shows that the majority of the Judeo-Christian community is no more likely to vote than the general population. If we were able to increase our Presidential election participation from 50% to 75%, we would add 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 votes, or more, in presidential elections. In this situation, there would be no question regarding the winner of the popular vote. Conservative candidates supportive of Judeo-Christian values in state local elections would also be elected. As seen in 2016, election of candidates supportive of our Judeo-Christian values will also impact the composition of the Supreme Court of the United States. In the current situation, replacement of one progressive Justice with another Scalia would probably change the composition of the Court for 30 to 40 years.

Christians unite in order to end the educational dictatorship,  and counter progressives and secularism that dominates public education. The Judeo-Christian community must find and elect candidates supportive of our values to local school boards. In addition, the Judeo-Christian community in each state, using the power of the purse through their legislatures and governorships, must unite and demand that our colleges and universities end their assault on constitutional capitalism, American exceptionalism, and our Judeo-Christian heritage. Finally, the Judeo-Christian community should encourage our members to stop financially supporting colleges and universities that do not support our values. The effort to change the direction of education in the United States is critical. Our children are exposed to progressive curricula from preschool to PhD level subject matter. Young voters in the last two or three presidential elections were educated by curricula that supported the anti-capitalist, anti-American, atheistic values of the progressive movement. If these voting trends continue, progressive presidential candidates will continue to win the popular vote while conservatives win in the Electoral College. It will become more difficult for conservatives to win the Presidency, and the current polarization will continue for the foreseeable future. If the progressive agenda is successful, current red states will become blue states, and the nation we love will be lost to progressive globalism.

Many, if not most, members of the Judeo-Christian community, especially evangelicals, will say that we are called by the Great Commission to lead people to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ not to a life of political activism. To parody President Trump in asking for the African American community vote, How has that worked for you? What has happened to our nation’s culture, education system, morality, and general attitude and discourse? However, my call to action, “Christians unite,” is not outside the directive of the Great Commission which follows:

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (Matt 28:18-20 NIV).

Two questions regarding this discussion are relevant. First, where and how do we go and make disciples of all nations? Secondly, where and how do we teach them to obey everything I have commanded you? During the time of Jesus, the synagogue was the center of religious, political, and social life. Jesus taught in synagogues where He led people to faith in Him and to action. Paul taught debated before the leaders of his day throughout the known world. Our children spend at least half their waking hours in schools that teach them the progressive agenda. They are taught not to be disciples of Christ and not to obey everything that Christ commanded us. Our laws and our courts are becoming more and more amoral an irreligious. The Judeo-Christian community has stood silently and watched this cultural degradation. Consequently morality is evil, and immorality is lawful. Is our inaction consistent with the great commission?

Every aspect of our culture, education, entertainment, advertising, news of all venues, and music promotes the amoral, atheistic, anti-American, socialist propaganda of the progressive movement. All of these venues promote the progressive social, economic, and political agenda. The progressive concept of social amoral individualism permeates every aspect of culture and the mainstream media. Everyone is exposed to amoral behavior no matter where we are or what we do. We are in a very difficult, some would say impossible, position as we attempt to Take America Back. Two final activities are necessary, prayer and revival. There is no better call to action than this:

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land (2 Chron 7:14 NIV).

Obviously, the task is daunting; but we have this encouragement, I can do everything through Him Who gives me strength (Phil 4:13 NIV).

Now is the time. Christians unite to counter progressives and secularism.

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