Our United States withers away under Democrat control. In my opinion, this will occur due to the progressive information and entertainment industries, and the socialist, progressive wing of the Democrat Party, the philosophically Marxist left cabal. The combination of globalism and multi-national corporations will also be a factor as our United States withers away.  For a thorough discussion of globalism and free trade, consider the GLOBALISM articles listed in the BLOG CONTENTS tab of AMERICA’S CROSSROAD. The left also controls our education system where Marxist philosophy is taught to our children from preschool to Ph.D. (Marxism PP). This educational dictatorship now includes curricula developed by The Lincoln Project, Critical Race Theorists, and Black Lives Matter which may be the subject of later articles from America’s Crossroad. Consequently, most of our younger citizens now prefer socialism over capitalism. Since the left controls entertainment, pop culture and music, the advertisement industry, literature and the publishing industry, and social media, the left controls the sights, sounds, and language of our culture. Most of the messages portrayed by this cabal are anti-Christian and anti-religion, anti-traditional family, anti-capitalist, anti-law enforcement, anti-military, and reject the idea that We the People have been a largely positive force in the history of our nation and the world. Consequently, the left rejects the positive nature of our heritage as citizens of the United States of America.

The phrase, the state withers away, was coined by Friedrich Engels in the 1892 English translation publication, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific:

The interference of the state power in social relations becomes superfluous in one sphere after another, and then ceases of itself. The government of persons is replaced by the administration of things and the direction of the processes of production. The state is not “abolished”, it withers away.

Some claim that Engels was not referring to states as nations but as the system of laws that subjugated and exploited the laboring class, proletarians, to the will of those who determined labor wages and owned and controlled the other two means of production, land and capital, capitalist or the bourgeoisie. Engels and Marx envisioned an inevitable evolutionary process leading to classless socialist states where the means of production are controlled by all the people sharing equally in the benefits of production.

However, in the section of The Communist Manifesto titled Proletarians and Communists Marx and Engels unambiguously pronounce that the phrase the state withers away refers to countries and nations as follows:

A picture of karl marx with the caption " karl marx ( 1 8 1 8-1 9 0 6 ). "

The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.

Working men have no country.

National differences and antagonisms between peoples are daily more and more vanishing, owing to the development of the bourgeoisie [upper ruling class, landowners, and capitalists], to freedom of commerce, to the world market.

The supremacy of the proletariat [working class] will cause them [countries] to vanish still faster.

In proportion as the exploitation of one individual by another is put an end to, the exploitation of one nation by another will also be put an end to. In proportion as the antagonism between classes within the nation vanishes, the hostility of one nation to another will come to an end.  

According to Marx and Engels, when competition between states is eliminated, the state, as individual nations, withers away. By the early twentieth century, the idea that the state withers away took an ominous turn for the worst as revolutionary Marxists sought world domination under dictatorial communism. However, in twenty first century western civilization, our laws  give significant power to workers and labor unions creating a tenuous balance between the rights of capitalists and laborers. Some would say that capitalists still have an advantage in these laws. Others disagree, saying the balance is determined by supply and demand. That is the subject of much debate.

For this discussion, the Merriam-Webster online dictionary definitions of state, nation, country, border, nationality, and character. are appropriate. State is defined as

a politically organized body of people especiallythe political organization of such a body of people; a government or politically organized society having a particular character usually occupying a definite territory.

Nation is defined as follows:

A community of people composed of one or more nationalities and possessing a more or less defined territory and government; a territorial division containing a body of people of one or more nationalities and usually characterized by relatively large size and independent status.

Country is defined as an indefinite usually extended expanse of land;the land of a person’s birth, residence, or citizenship; a political state or nation or its territory. Border is defined as a boundary especially of a country or state.

Nationality is defined as follows:

A legal relationship involving allegiance on the part of an individual and usually protection on the part of the state; membership in a particular nation; political independence or existence as a separate nation; a people having a common origin, tradition, (songs, stories, and chronicles) and language capable of forming or constituting a nation-state.

Character is defined as follows:  

A feature used to separate distinguishable things into categories, a group or kind so separated; the complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation; main or essential nature especially as strongly marked and serving to distinguish.

The above definitions will provide a framework for discussion of the way Democrat control will ensure that our United States withers away.

First, it is critical to understand the collective nationality and character of the United States of America. Until the mid-twentieth century, we were a people having a common origin, tradition, (songs, stories, and chronicles) and language [English] constituting a nation-state sharing a complex of mental and ethical traits serving to distinguish the United States from other nations. We the People shared a Judeo-Christian heritage. Our laws and values are based on British Common Law with its Judeo-Christian based code of morality and ethics as is our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. This sentiment was eloquently stated by John Jay, first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, in The Federalist No. 2 where he wrote,

Providence [God] has blessed it [ America] for the delight and accommodation of its inhabitants.  Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country, to one united people, a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion [Christianity with all its orders and denominations], attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, have nobly established their general Liberty and Independence.

John Jay summarized the Founders’ view of the importance of Christianity to the successful future of the United States as follows:

No human society has ever been able to maintain both order and freedom, both cohesiveness and liberty apart from the moral precepts of the Christian religion. Should our Republic ever forget this fundamental precept of governance this great experiment will then be surely doomed.

The Father of our Country, George Washington, expressed similar sentiments in his Farewell Address to the Nation:

“With slight shades of difference, you have the same Religion, Manners, Habits and Political Principles.  The Independence and Liberty you possess are the work of joint councils, and joint efforts “ of common dangers, sufferings, and successes.

Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion, and Morality are indispensable supports. “ In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens. Let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

The Father of our Country clearly stated our shared Judeo-Christian religion, morality and values were central to the collective nationality and character of We the People of the United States. In my opinion, most of the current societal, cultural, political, and legal problems in our nation are the consequence of our abandonment of Washington’s admonition concerning Religion and Morality.”

Secondly, our state and nation, the United States of America, has an internationally recognized border which constitutes the boundary separating our nation from the other nations of the world. Without defended or secure borders, independent nations would not exist. Since the actions and rhetoric of progressives and the Democrat Party demonstrate that they favor open borders, their policies will ensure that United States, as we know it, withers away. Military border defense is only an issue when nations are at war, but border security is critical when formulating a nation’s immigration policy. The progressive, Democrat, vision of immigration policy for the United States is to make our nation into a microcosm of the world demographically, culturally, economically, and politically. During the 2020 Presidential campaign and the first week of the Biden Administration, President Biden announced that the borders of the United States would be open to all commers with little actual restrictions related to their legal status. The administration claims that the border is closed; but the reality of over 100,000 documented illegal border crossings each month, which does not include an untold number who get away, tells the truth. The southern border of the United states is open to all. When they arrive, these illegal immigrants get promised free food, medical attention, eventually a hotel room, transportation to a location of their choice, and all the social services given to legal immigrants and citizens. Most, but not all, seeking asylum get a court date a few years in the future, but most never appear hoping for a future path to citizenship. At least 10% of these illegals also get to spread Covid-19 to our population. This transformative vision is a radicle change to the character, the complex of mental and ethical traits marking a nation, of the United States. Therefore, the character of our nation withers away.

Conservatives have a different vision. The Constitution of the United States begins by stating; We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Our Constitution does not say we the people of the world. Conservatives understand that if immigration policy turns our nation’s character into that of the world, the United States will cease to be the beacon of freedom and hope for the world. Conservatives know, unfortunately, that progressives and the Democrat Party misrepresented the impacts of the 1965 Immigration Act on the character and texture of [our] people. In a 2015 article evaluating the 50-year impacts of the 1965 Immigration Act, Theodore White evaluated the potential impacts of progressive immigration policy in the United States as follows:

A shadow of people and an american flag

‘Only one other great republic has ever experienced such a change in the texture of its people ” the Roman Republic.’ He then observed that ‘Rome could not pass on the heritage of its past to the people of its future’ and ultimately unraveled so badly that it could no longer govern itself. ‘

Rome failed, and conservatives believe that the United States could fail if we do not change the transformative nature of our immigration policies. Put a different way, the United States of America, that existed for the first 185 years of our history, withers away.

The actions of progressives and the Democrat Party are making the United States into a socialist nation by their actions and policies related to Covid-19 recovery. Current actions and policies of the new administration and the current actions of progressives, Democrat governors and big city mayors, will create a class of citizens dependent on governmental assistance and support, socialism. Progressive, Democrat governors and mayors continue to lock down their citizens and shut down their economies, small businesses, bars and restaurants, and schools. The result is permanent small business failures and record unemployment.  The longer the shutdowns last, the greater the adverse impact will be on our economy and unemployment.  Many small business owners invested their entire life’s savings in their businesses and may not recover financially. Some of these entrepreneurs could go from employers to employees or the unemployed. They could even lose their homes and become renters, or in the worst cases, homeless. The result is that these citizens could require governmental assistance and support caused by the progressive response to the pandemic.

This is the beginning of socialism, wealth sharing and governance based on the philosophy of Karl Marx and his followers. The philosophy of Marx can be summarized as wealth redistribution from each according to their ability to each according to their need regardless of their willingness or ability to contribute to the good of society. Of course, those unable to contribute to the good of society due to physical or mental incapacity deserve our compassion and care. Consequently, as progressives and the Democrat Party lead us down this ever-increasing pace toward socialism, the character and essence of the United States withers away.

The racist, bigoted, woke progressives of our news media, social media, cancel culture, pop culture, and the Democrat Party will call conservatives like me the racists, white supremacists, white nationalists, fascists, and Nazis because our opinions are not woke enough. Conservatives are simply nationalists who want the United States of America to succeed as it did for the first 185 years of our history. It was the United States that fought a Civil War to end slavery in our country and eventually most of the rest of the world, won freedom during WWI and WWII, ended the Cold War with the Soviet Union, and built the strongest economy in the history of the world. If conservatives allow them, progressives and the Democrat Party will ensure the United States of America, as we know it, withers away.

Join the fray. All of the America s Crossroad Posts are listed by categories in the  BLOG CONTENTS tab.  If you decide to read a few, please leave comments about your Patriot Visions, start or join the conversation, and share the Posts with friends and political frienimies.



A quran is open on the table in black and white.
Unfortunately, in our sick society, a walk on the beach can lead to sexual harassment.

It is my strong opinion that the wave of credible high profile sexual harassment and rape accusations during the last two months are symptoms of our sick society and culture. Joseph Stalin purportedly said,

America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.

In contrast, George Washington made a very important statement about the relationship between Religion and Morality and the continuing success of the United States of America in his Farewell Address to the Nation when he wrote,

With slight shades of difference, you have the same Religion, Manners, Habits and Political Principles. You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together; the Independence and Liberty you possess are the work of joint councils, and joint efforts “ of common dangers, sufferings, and successes¦.

Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. “ In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens. “ The mere Politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and cherish them.

When President Washington wrote, With slight shades of difference, you have the same Religion, he was referring to the many sects and denominations of Christianity and an important number of Jews inhabiting the United States at the time, our Judeo-Christian heritage. Shared Judeo-Christian values would be essential to the future political prosperity of our nation. It is our common religious and moral values that Stalin and modern Marxists and progressives seek to undermine. Those seeking to undermine our patriotism, morality, and spiritual life claim the tribute of Patriotism in vain in the words of the Father of our Country.

Unfortunately, the Godless Marxists on the left have succeeded; and we now have a sick society. The underlying infection contaminating our culture and society is the fact that We the People of the United States of America no longer agree that Religion and Morality are indispensable supports leading to a healthy culture and society, our political prosperity. Our abandonment of meaningful Religion and Morality as indispensable supports of our culture and society is the disease at the heart of our sick society and all forms of criminal activity and social problems in our nation. Among other social issues, these problems include murder, assault, rape, drug addiction, thefts, all white collar crime, school dropout rates, single parent families, and all forms of sexual harassment.

Two strains of thought that infected our culture and society which significantly contribute to the current sexual harassment epidemic are the sexual revolution and feminism. The Sexual Revolution, led by Hugh Hefner and Play Boy magazine, Larry Flynn and Hustler magazine, Play Girl magazine, other similar periodicals, the pornography industry, all forms of sex therapy, and The Howard Stern Radio Show, has been praised by the print and news media as a liberating advance for personal satisfaction and relationships in our country. After his death, Hefner was praised for his leading role in the sexual revolution in the United States. Howard Stern regularly discusses and promotes lude sexual behavior in both public and private settings as fun, perfectly acceptable, and natural behavior. Women are regular guests discussing their sexual exploits both as initiators and participants in all varieties of casual sexual interactions. Women often offer laughing encouragement to men discussing their exploits on Stern’s program. On the Access Hollywood tape involving Donald Trump and Billy Bush, Natalie Morales provided laughter and verbal encouragement for the men involved. Natalie Morales got a pass; Donald Trump was elected President; and Billy Bush lost his job. On these type venues, popular music and sports stars brag about the number of women willingly enjoying sex with them where ever they travel in the United States. Sex is portrayed as nothing more than a sensually enjoyable, purely biological act between willing consenting participants that is without moral consequences or meaningful emotional attachment between participants. If the sex is one and done, it served its purpose, immediate sensual, personal gratification. Relationships that are based primarily on good sex are now perfectly acceptable. To Biblical Christians like me, this behavior is symptomatic of a sick society.

Although sexual harassment revolves around the use of power, influence, intimidation, or force to garner sexual favors or unwanted sexual contact, with the exception of rape, the general sexual behavior on display in virtually all of the current sexual harassment situations is depicted every day on public and cable television, in the movies, throughout the music industry, advertising, and most novels. How many times each day does a movie show 007 grabbing a resisting woman, sticking his tongue down her throat, and ending up having sex with her that she absolutely enjoys and often voluntarily participates in additional sexual encounters, to name one movie series example. Illicit sex is depicted on most television dramas. In S. W. A. T., a female police supervisor had an affair with a male subordinate. In SEAL Team, it’s a newbie and a female university graduate student. In The Good Wife, it was the bad husband, the good wife and her boss and at least one other man who she pursued, and the old senior partner who roamed his office in his underwear. In Vikings, one of the queens in the series rapes a competing king who is her chained prisoner. In Suits, etc., it was etc. Sex sells men’s and women’s fragrances and clothes, etc. It is all depicted as common place, acceptable, and no big deal for our sick society. After all, All’s fair in love and war.

Leaders of the Women’s or Feminist Movement have always promoted equal employment opportunity, equal pay for equal work, equal educational opportunities, and parity for women with men in all areas of life. However, it is my opinion that the desire of Feminists to promote women as equal participants and beneficiaries of the sexual revolution also contributes to the current sexual harassment epidemic in our country. Feminists demanded the freedom to pursue men as equal participants in the sexual revolution. Women should be free to experience all the sensual freedom and exhilaration of the sexual revolution as either instigators or willing and equal participants. Feminists have also led the way to ensure that women would be equal to and as free as men from the unintended consequences of unrestricted sex, unwanted pregnancy. Birth control pills were not enough. Feminists demanded abortion on demand and later the morning after pill. Free love, or free sex, without consequences or obligation is the operative thought, word, or phrase. Again, to Biblical Christians, such an attitude is symptomatic of a sick society.

Of course, the critical word for this discussion about sex is willing. When anyone is not willing, freedom to participate becomes sexual harassment or rape, period. The problem is that the culture ushered in by the sexual revolution teaches that sex is nothing more than a naturally instinctive physical interaction which is sensually exhilarating and pleasurable for the participants. Emotions, personal attractions, and long term compatibility are secondary to the sexual interaction between the individuals. Unfortunately, our popular culture also teaches men that women may not be as fully aware of their willingness and desire for sex as men and often need some encouragement or convincing to reveal their desire. This assumption is wrong. Willing consent does not require encouragement, convincing, or force. No is not maybe or convince me. Contrary to popular depictions, one thing does not automatically lead to another. A warm kiss does not constitute an invitation to a sexual encounter. In all situations, men must honor a woman’s wishes regarding sex. Failure to listen to the word no or stop or understanding that simply withdrawing from an embrace also means no or stop is sexual harassment or rape.

We the People of the United States of America must deal the problem of sexual harassment and rape that has occurred at the highest levels of our culture and society. We must also determine whether these problems are independent issues or symptoms of a deeper moral crisis and sick society in our country. Are we “collapsing from within?” Have the Godless voices in our nation succeeded in their efforts to undermine our patriotism, morality, and spiritual life? If so, is it time to reconsider our commitment to George Washington’s vision for our nation when Religion and Morality once again become indispensable supports leading to a prosperous, healthy culture and society that is safe and rewarding for all our citizens?

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